Never knew i could feel like this, like i have never seen the sky before..
want to vanish inside your kiss, everyday i love you more and more..
listen to my heart can you hear it sings, telling me to give you everything..
seasons may change winter to spring, but i love you until the end of time..
Come what may, i will love you until my dying day..
suddenly the world seems such a perfect place..
suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace..
suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste..
storm clouds may gather and stars may collide but i love you until the end of time.

Jumat, 30 April 2010

咎狗の血 b's-log 2009年7

表紙&巻頭は大人気コミカライズ「咎狗の血」。ケイスケとの死闘の後、放心状態のアキラを更に襲う意外な出来事とは!?他にもコミックス2巻が出て、ます ます絶好調な「少年メイド」、空に浮かぶ島で起こる不思議な少年たちのお話「イゾラ・ヴィータ」、大人気主従アクション「隗ヨリヒトカイヨリ式」他、読み 応え満点のマンガが盛りだくさん♪
また、今号では10月のリニューアルに向けて、超強力な新連載企画をどどーんと公開☆ 人気文庫作品や人気ゲームのコミカライズ企画も発表しちゃうぞ! 必見情報満載で大好評発売中ですっ!!

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